Hi, thank you!
Yes, ProcessingState is a generic class that is used throughout the code. Its implementation looks like this:
/// Common processing states for fetching/posting data.
class ProcessingState<ERROR, RESULT> with _$ProcessingState<ERROR, RESULT> {
const factory ProcessingState.standBy() = ProcessingStateStandBy;
const factory ProcessingState.loading() = ProcessingStateLoading;
const factory ProcessingState.error(ERROR e) = ProcessingStateError;
const factory ProcessingState.success(RESULT r) = ProcessingStateSuccess;
const ProcessingState._();
bool get isLoading => maybeMap(loading: T, orElse: F);
`_triggerUpdateSuccess` just returns another stream of states – error with a description and then immediately initial (standby) state. BlocListener listens to the error state and displays the error dialog, and returning to the initial state immediately (instead of staying in the same error state) shows explicitly that it's one-off event, we don't need to keep error state for a long time.