Thank you for you comment.
> It's unprofessional to say A lang is better than B.
I don't see why sharing opinion on why I like language X over language Y is unprofessional.
> Why You did not compared Kotlin to Java, Scala and etc?
Well, because that would be a totally different article, right? Also, in my everyday life I'm working with Dart and Kotlin, and not with Java, Scala, Python, or PHP, so I don't care whether I like them better or not.
> IMHO Your article made to popularise one over another.
Of course. Again, as I'm working on a constant basis with Kotlin and Dart, so I have some opinion on both of them. In my opinion, some features in Kotlin are done in a better way than in Dart, so I'm saying about it.
> Why to compare them instead of giving to community recommendation for future releases?
Well, this article is a way of giving recommendation to community, isn't it?
> You made this article to do SEO for company?
I've made this article to share my opinion.